Why do I start writing a blog?

Dear awesome people, I bet you are one of my Instagram followers since I only shared the information about me writing a blog through Instagram story feature. 😀

You might have voted "yes" when I asked whether or not I should start committing in writing a book of my own. I ended up did. Up to 20.5 pages. Then I realized there's no way I'd ever publish this book in the future. The writing was too private, too personal, and too deep. But I will definitely keep writing, since I will give this to my future spouse to read anyway 😁

1. What do I write about in my book?
I was going to write about my ups and downs in life, mostly about my insecurities, vulnerabilities, my biggest mistakes and embarrassments. You will either hate or keep loving me after reading this. Pretty much summing up my life. Simply to share what I've got as life lessons!

Book cover

2. Another reason to consider?
Look at this thickness! I wouldn't want to sum up "only" my entire 21-22 years into this book! I still have beautiful years and memories to come for me to fit into this book, means I still need years to really "finish", which is impossible to wait! (or it will be a memoir instead) 😝

Book thickness - I assume it'd be around 1000+ pages

Chapter 1

Of course, do expect a lot of messed-up grammars, beginner vocabs, and mistakes as you read my writings hahaha I'm still learning though!

Introduction page

Introduction page 2

3. What will I write in my blog?
I will share my struggles and experiences during Uni years, my honest reviews about books and cakes (or foods), maybe tutorial about how to sketch, maybe fashion trends and discussions, list of great songs, I will also share about my faith journey with Jesus and Proverbs 31, women empowerment (not feminism), about love and life.

Thank you so much for actually taking time to visit my page! please do subscribe if you want further follow up! There will be so many exciting stories I promise to share with you! 😊

Don't hesitate to leave a comment below which topic you would love to hear from me most? I will definitely consider!

Welcome to my blog!
Much love,



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